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Магазин Книги Шри Ауробиндо, Матери, Сатпрема.
Letters on Yoga IV (Sri Aurobindo)
Letters on Yoga
Volume IV
Sri Aurobindo
Volume IV
Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Yoga - IV contains letters written by Sri Aurobindo on the transformation of human nature, mental, vital and physical, through the practice of the Integral Yoga. It also includes letters on the difficulties encountered in the practice of this Yoga. This volume is the last of four volumes of Letters on Yoga, arranged by the editors as follows:
1. Foundations of the Integral Yoga
2. Practice of the Integral Yoga
3. Experiences and Realisations in the Integral Yoga
4. Transformation of Human Nature in the Integral Yoga
The letters in these volumes have been selected from the large body of letters that Sri Aurobindo wrote to disciples and others between 1927 and 1950. Other letters from this period are published in Letters on Poetry and Art, The Mother with Letters on the Mother and Letters on Himself and the Ashram, volumes 27, 32 and 35 of The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo. Letters written before 1927 are reproduced in Autobiographical Notes and Other Writings of Historical Interest, volume 36 of The Complete Works.
During Sri Aurobindo's lifetime, relatively few of his letters were published. Three small books of letters on Yoga were brought out in the 1930s. A more substantial collection came out between 1947 and 1951 in a four-volume series entitled Letters of Sri Aurobindo (including one volume of letters on poetry and literature). In 1958, many more letters were included in the two large tomes of On Yoga - II. A further expanded collection in three volumes entitled Letters on Yoga was published in 1970 as part of the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library. The present collection, also entitled Letters on Yoga, constitutes volumes 28-31 of The Complete Works. These volumes incorporate previously published letters and contain many new ones as well. About one-third of the letters in the present volume were not published in the Centenary Library.
This volume is arranged by subject in four parts:
I. Sadhana on the Level of the Mind
II. Sadhana on the Level of the Vital
III.Sadhana on the Physical, Subconscient and Inconscient Levels
IV. Difficulties in the Practice of the Integral Yoga
The texts of all the letters have been checked against the available manuscripts, typescripts and printed versions.
Section One
The Mind and Sadhana
The Mind and Other Levels of Being
- The Mind and the Divine Consciousness
- The Mind and the Supermind
- The Mind and Intuition
- The Mind and Inspiration
- The Mind and the Psychic
- The Mind and the Lower Nature
Intellect and the Intellectual
- Limitations of the Intellect
- The Intellect, the Pure Reason and Knowledge
- Intellect, Intellectual and Intelligence
- The Intellectual Man and the Emotional Man
Mental Difficulties and the Need of Quietude
- The Activity of the Mind
- Imaginations
- Confusion
- Worry
- Hastiness
- Slowness
- Opposing Points of View Silliness
- Analysis and Dissection The Need of Quietude
The Physical Mind and Sadhana
- The Activity of the Physical Mind
- The Unsteadiness of the Physical Mind
- The Obscurity of the Physical Mind
- Other Problems of the Physical Mind
- The Physical Mind and the Lower Vital
- The Physical Mind and the Psychic
- The Physical Mind and Peace and Silence
Thought and Knowledge
- Thoughts Come from Outside
- Control of One's Thoughts
- Thoughts and Words
- The Idea and What Lies Behind It
- Thought and Knowledge
- Knowledge and Ignorance
- Knowledge and the Divine Consciousness
- Mental Knowledge and Knowledge from Above
- Knowledge and Mental Questions
- Understanding and the Higher Light
- Knowledge and the Psychic
- Knowledge and Mental Silence
- Knowledge, Experience and Realisation
Section Two
Cultivation of the Mind in Yoga
Mental Development and Sadhana
- The Development of the Mind
- Reading and Sadhana
- Reading What Is Helpful to the Sadhana
- Reading and Detachment
- Reading Novels and Newspapers
The Place of Study in Sadhana
- Study and Sadhana
- Study and Mental Development
- School Studies and Yoga
- The Study of Languages
- The Study of Philosophy
- The Study of Logic
- The Study of Science
The Power of Expression and Yoga
- Verbal Expression
- Expression and Language
- Spoken and Written Expression
- Writing and Sadhana
- Poetry and Sadhana
Speech and Yoga
- Outer Speech and the Inner Life
- Talking and Dispersion of the Consciousness
- Talking and Fatigue
- Useless, Unnecessary or Light Speech
- Control of Speech
- Criticising Others
- Gossip
- Speaking the Truth
- Mauna or Keeping Silence
- Other Aspects of Speech Control
Section One
The Vital Being and Sadhana
The Nature of the Vital
- Living in the Vital
- The Irrationality of the Vital
- The Deceptiveness of the Vital
- A Good Instrument But a Bad Master
- Purification of the Vital
- Discipline of the Vital
- Surrender of the Vital
- Conversion of the Vital
- Liberation of the Vital
- The Higher Vital Movement
- The Emergence of the True Vital
- Vital Sincerity, Aspiration, Consecration
- Peace and Quiet in the Vital
The Vital and Other Levels of Being
- The Spirit and the Vital
- The Higher Consciousness and the Vital
- The Intuition and the Vital
- The Psychic and the Vital
- The Mind and the Vital
- The Physical and the Vital
Wrong Movements of the Vital
- The Phrase "Wrong Movements"
- Vital Reactions
- Vital Suggestions
- Vital Restlessness
- Vital Dryness
- Vital Resistance
- Vital Dissatisfaction and Non-Cooperation
- Vital Disturbance and Revolt
- Rejection of Wrong Vital Movements
- Return of Vital Movements after Rejection
- Alternation of Good and Bad Vital Conditions
The Lower Vital Being
- The Decisive Ordeal of This Yoga
- The Lower Vital Not Reasonable
- The Resistance of the Lower Vital
- Rejecting Wrong Movements of the Lower Vital
- Avoiding Premature Engagement with the Lower Vital
- Ananda and the Lower Vital
- Aspiration and Offering in the Lower Vital
- Peace and Calm in the Lower Vital
Section Two
Vital Temperament
Cheerfulness and Happiness
- Cheerfulness
- Humour and Seriousness
- Happiness and Contentment
Sorrow and Suffering
- Joy and Sorrow
- Sorrow and Pain and Suffering
- Melancholy
Depression and Despondency
- Discouragement
- Depression
- Depression Often Comes from Outside
- Dealing With Depression
- Depression and the Gospel of Sorrow
- Despair and Despondency
Sentimentalism, Sensitiveness, Instability, Laxity
- Sentimentalism
- Sensitiveness
- Shyness
- Indecision and Instability
- Laxity
Section Three
Vital Defects
Ego and Its Forms
- Ego and Egoism
- Ego in Different Parts of the Being
- The Vital Ego
- Rajasic and Tamasic Ego (Ahankara)
- Ego-centricity
- The Egoism of the Instrument and the Magnified Ego
- Getting Rid of the Ego and of Egoism
- Getting Rid of the Ego Altogether
- Selfishness
- Ambition
- Vanity
- Pride and Self-Esteem
- Self-Respect, Amour-Propre, Superiority
- Jealousy and Abhiman
- Wounded Feeling
- Ingratitude
- The Nature of Desire
- The Small Desires of the Vital Physical
- Desire and Need
- Demand and Desire
- Getting Rid of Desire
- Desire and Suppression (Nigraha)
Anger and Violence
- The Nature of Anger
- Anger Comes from Outside
- Anger and the Psychic
- Vindictiveness and Cruelty
- Violence
- Fear and Yoga
Section Four
Human Relations in Yoga
Human Relations and the Spiritual Life
- Relations with Others in Yoga
- Love for Others and Love for the Divine
- Family Ties and Duties
- Relations between Parents and Children
- Old Relations
- Friendship and Affection
- Vital Love
- Vital Love and Psychic Love
- Personal Relations in Yoga
- Universal Love and Personal Relations
- Relations between Men and Women in Yoga
- Loneliness
Interactions with Others and the Practice of Yoga
- Cultivating Equality and Goodwill
- Indifference to What Others Think or Say
- Overcoming Dependence
- Overcoming Attachment
- Helping Others
- Receiving Help from Others
- Concern for Others
- Sympathy for Others
- Mothering Others
- Working with Others
- Dispersion through Contact with Others
- Mixing with Others
- Vital Expansiveness
- Vital Interchange
- Talking, Letter-Writing and Vital Interchange
- Talking or Thinking about Others
- The Drawing of Vital Forces by Others
- Limiting Contacts with Others
- Inner Detachment Preferable to Outer Withdrawal
- Qualified Utility of Retirement for Sadhana
- Dangers of Complete Retirement
- Relations in Ordinary Life
Problems in Human Relations
- Hatred and Dislike
- Quarrels and Clashes
- Fault-Finding and Criticism
- Benefiting from Criticism
Section One
Sadhana on the Level of the Physical
The Transformation of the Physical
- The Need to Transform the Physical
- Coming Down into the Physical
- The Bringing of Realisation into the Physical
- The Physical Sadhana
Levels of the Physical Being
- The Physical Consciousness
- The Mental Physical and the Vital Physical
- The Material Consciousness
- The Body Consciousness
- The Body
- Care for the Body
- Weakness of the Body
- Forgetfulness of the Body
- The Physical and the Mind
- The Physical and the Vital
- The Physical and the Psychic
- The Ascent of the Being
Difficulties of the Physical Nature
- The Real Difficulty
- Obstruction and Obscuration
- Inertia
- Dealing with Inertia and Tamas
- The Difficulty of Eliminating Inertia and Tamas
- Physical Fatigue
- Giddiness
- Restlessness
- Habitual Movements and Old Habits
- Mechanical Movements
- Externalisation
- Feelings of Incapacity and Discouragement
- Stupidity and Ignorance
- Agnosticism
- Fear of Death
Section Two
Food, Sleep, Dreams and Sex
- The Yogic Attitude towards Food
- Attachment to Food
- Greed for Food
- Taste
- Sensitivity to Smell
- Hunger
- Quantity of Food
- Fasting
- Types of Food
- Intoxicants
- The Yogic Attitude towards Sleep and Food
- The Need of Sleep and Rest
- The Amount of Sleep Needed
- The Real Rest which Restores
- Getting Good Sleep
- Sleep during the Day
- Sleep and Sadhana
- Loss of Consciousness during Sleep
- Conscious Sleep
- Concentration before and after Sleep
- Hearing Music after Waking
- The Waking Mind and Sleep
- Depression in Sleep
- All Sleep Full of Dreams
- Different Kinds of Dreams
- Subconscient Dreams
- Vital Dreams
- Symbolic Dreams on the Vital Plane
- Formations in Vital Dreams
- Unpleasant or Bad Vital Dreams
- Mental Dreams
- People Seen in Dreams
- The Waking and Dream States
- Dream-Experiences
- Remembering Dreams
- Understanding the Meaning of Dreams
- The Meaning of Some Dreams
- The Role of Sex in Nature
- Sex a Movement of General Nature
- Sex and Ananda
- Sex and Love
- Sex and the New European Mystics
- Sex-Indulgence and the Integral Yoga
- Subtle Forms of Sex-Indulgence
- Transformation of the Sex-Energy: The Theory of Brahmacharya
- Mastery of the Sex-Impulse through Detachment
- Mastery through a Change in the Consciousness
- Mastery through the Force of Purity
- Mastery through the Working of the Higher Consciousness and Force
- Rejection of the Sex-Impulse from the Various Parts of the Being
- Sex and the Subconscient
- Tamasic Inertia and the Sex-Impulse
- Sex-Thoughts' and Imaginations
- Sexual Difficulties among Men
- Sex-Dreams and Emissions
- Physical Causes of Sex-Dreams and Emissions
- Worry, Depression and Sex-Dreams and Emissions
- Masturbation
- Sexual Difficulties among Women
- Social Contact and Sex
- Touch and Sex
- Celibacy
- Marriage
- The Relationship of Man and Woman
- Skin Diseases and Sex
Section Three
Illness, Doctors and Medicines
Illness and Health
- Illness and Yoga
- Illness Not the Result of the Force
- The Lower Nature, the Hostile Forces and Illness
- The Suggestion of Illness
- Curative Auto-Suggestion: The Coue Method
- Faith, Confidence and Cure
- Parts of the Being and Illness
- Accepting and Enjoying Illness
- Depression and Illness
- Fear and Illness
- Inertia and Illness
- Anger and Illness
- Work and Illness
- Sleep and Illness
- Pain
- Separation and Detachment from Pain
Doctors and Medicines
- Cure by Yogic Force and by Medicines
- The Role of Doctors
- Medical Systems
- The Right Use of Medicines
Specific Illnesses, Ailments and Other Physical Problems
- Cancer
- Tuberculosis
- Fever
- Influenza
- Head Cold
- Weak Vision
- Glaucoma
- Stammering
- Menstrual Problems
- Constipation
- Sciatica
- Growing Taller
- Bearing the Heat
Section Four
The Subconscient and the Inconscient and the Process of Yoga
The Subconscient and the Integral Yoga
- The Change of the Subconscient
- The Subconscient, the Inner Being and the Outer Being
- The Subconscient and the Physical Being
- Habits and the Subconscient
- The Environmental Consciousness and the Subconscient
- The Rising Up of Things from the Subconscient
- Dealing with the Subconscient
- Dealing with Memories from the Subconscient
- Clearing or Emptying the Subconscient
- Illumining the Subconscient
- Psycho-analysis and the Integral Yoga
The Inconscient and the Integral Yoga
- The Descent of the Sadhana into the Inconscient
Section One
Difficulties of the Path
The Difficulties of Yoga
- Difficulties and the Aim of Life
- Difficulties and the Integral Yoga
- Why Difficulties Come
The Difficulties of Human Nature
- Obstacles of Human Nature
- The Dual Nature of the Human Being
- The Good and the Evil Persona
- Outward Circumstances and Personal Defects
Imperfections and Periods of Arrest
- Imperfections and Progress towards Perfection
- Periods of Difficulty and Arrest
Resistances, Sufferings and Falls
- Resistances in Sadhana
- Pain and Suffering
- Dangers, Falls and Failures
Section Two
Overcoming the Difficulties of Yoga
The Right Attitude towards Difficulties
- The Sunlit Path and the Path of Darkness
- Optimism and Pessimism
- Treating Difficulties as Opportunities
- The Certitude of Victory
Steps towards Overcoming Difficulties
- Ways of Dealing with Difficulties
- Facing Circumstances
- Recognising One's Weaknesses
- Stating One's Difficulties
- Detaching Oneself from Difficulties
- Rejecting Wrong Movements
Vigilance, Resolution, Will and the Divine Help
- The Need of Vigilance
- The Need of Resolution
- The Need of Aspiration
- The Need of Will
- Lack of Will
- Will and the Divine Force or Power
- Personal Effort and the Divine Force or Power
- Letting the Force Work
- The Divine Help
- The Divine Protection
Time and Change of the Nature
- Time Needed for Change
- Freedom from the Past
- The Past and the Future
Dealing with Depression and Despondency
- Despondency over Difficulties
- Dwelling on One's Weaknesses or Difficulties
- Raising Up Difficulties
- Struggling with Difficulties
- The Absurdity of Suicide
Section Three
The Opposition of the Hostile Forces
The Hostile Forces and the Difficulties of Yoga
- The Existence of the Hostile Forces
- The Function of the Hostile Forces
- Testing Oneself against the Hostile Forces
- The Divine Force and the Adverse Force
- The Forces of the Lower Nature and the Hostile Forces
- Vital Resistance, Physical Inertia and the Hostile Forces
- The Hostile Forces and Universal Forces
- The Hostile Forces and the Spiritual Consciousness
Attacks by the Hostile Forces
- Attacks Not Uncommon
- Attacks Often Follow a Progress
- Positive and Negative Means of Attack
- Attacks through Suggestions
- Attacks through Others
Dealing with Hostile Attacks
- Fear of Attacks
- Thinking Too Much about Attacks
- Discouragement about Attacks
- Rejection of Attacks
- Detachment
- Dissolution
- Steadiness and Persistence
- Peace and Purity
- Faith and Surrender
- Psychic Openness
- Reliance on the Power or Force
- Reliance on the Mother
Accidents, Possession, Madness
- Accidents
- Possession by Vital Forces
- Neurasthenia
- Hysteria
- Epilepsy
- Madness
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry
ISBN 978-81-7058-962-4
Soft cover, 820 pages