То, что люди называют знанием, есть принятие рассудком ложных видимостей. Мудрость же проницает взором все покровы и поистине видит.
Шри Ауробиндо
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Магазин Книги Шри Ауробиндо, Матери, Сатпрема.
Letters on Yoga IV (Sri Aurobindo)
Letters on Yoga — IV contains letters written by Sri Aurobindo on the transformation of human nature, mental, vital and phys¬ical, through the practice of the Integral Yoga. It also includes letters on the difficulties encountered in the practice of this Yoga. This volume is the last of four volumes of Letters on Yoga, arranged by the editors as follows:
The Future Poetry (Sri Aurobindo)
The Future Poetry was first published in the monthly review Arya in thirty-two instalments between December 1917 and July 1920/ These instalments were written immediately before their publication.
Mantras of The Mother
The 274 sayings in this book, reproduced here in facsimile, were written by The Mother in 1954: For a period of nine months she wrote one saying a day in the diary of an Ashram sadhak.
Records of Yoga - I (Sri Aurobindo)
Records of Yoga is a diary of Sri Aurobindo
Records of Yoga - II (Sri Aurobindo)
Records of Yoga is a diary of Sri Aurobindo
Letters on Yoga I (Sri Aurobindo)
Three volumes of letters on the integral yoga, other spiritual paths, the problems of spiritual life, and related subjects. In these letters, Sri Aurobindo explains the foundations of his integral yoga, its fundamentals, its characteristic experiences and realisations, and its method of practice.