Поднимаясь ко все более высоким вершинам Его радости, я спрашивал себя, есть ли предел растущему блаженству, и начинал почти бояться объятий Бога.
Шри Ауробиндо
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Магазин Книги Шри Ауробиндо, Матери, Сатпрема.
The Synthesis of Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)
The Synthesis of Yoga
Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo's principal work on yoga.
In this book Sri Aurobindo examines the traditional systems of yoga and provides an explanation of certain components of his own system of integral yoga. There is an Introduction, "The Conditions of the Synthesis", and four parts: "The Yoga of Divine Works", "The Yoga of Integral Knowledge", "The Yoga of Divine Love" and "The Yoga of Self-Perfection". The material was first published serially in the monthly review Arya between 1914 and 1921; the introduction and first two parts were later revised by Sri Aurobindo for publication.
Sri Aurobindo never attempted to complete the Synthesis; he did, however, lightly revise the Introduction, thoroughly revise all of Part I, "The Yoga of Divine Works", and significantly revise several chapters of Part II "The Yoga of Integral Knowledge". More than thirty years elapsed between the first appearance of the Synthesis in the Arya and the final stages of its incomplete revision. As a result, there are some differences of terminology between the revised and unrevised portions of the book.
- The conditions of the synthesis
- The yoga of Divine Works
- The yoga of Integral Knowledge
- The yoga of Divine Love
- The yoga of Self-Perfection
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry
Soft cover