Господь - великий и жестокий Мучитель, потому что Он любит. Вам этого не понять, ведь вы не видели Кришну и не принимали участия в Его играх.
Шри Ауробиндо
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Магазин Книги Шри Ауробиндо, Матери, Сатпрема.
The Future Poetry (Sri Aurobindo)
The Future Poetry
Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo
The Future Poetry was first published in the monthly review Arya in thirty-two instalments between December 1917 and July 1920/ These instalments were written immediately before their publication.
Sri Aurobindo twice undertook to revise The Future Poetry. During the late 1920s or early 1930s he revised seventeen chapters; in 1950 he dictated changes and additions to twenty chapters, thirteen of which had been revised earlier. The work of revision was never completed and The Future Poetry was not published in the form of a book during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime.
In 1953 the Arya text of The Future Poetry was brought out as a book, with only two passages of the later revision added. In 1972 the same text was included in The Future Poetry and Letters on Poetry, Literature and Art. In 1985 a second edition of The Future Poetry, incorporating all available revision, was published.
The present volume includes the full texts of The Future Poetry and of On Quantitative Metre, an essay first published in 1942. The texts of both works have been checked against the author's manuscripts and the original printed versions.
- The Mantra
- The Essence of Poetry
- Rhythm and Movement
- Style and Substance
- Poetic Vision and the Mantra
- The National Evolution of Poetry
- The Character of English Poetry -1
- The Character of English Poetry -2
- The Course of English Poetry-1
- Chaucer and the Poetry of External Life
- The Course of English Poetry-1
- Elizabethan Drama
- Shakespeare and the Poetry of the Life-Spirit
- The Course of English Poetry - 2
- The Course of English Poetry - 3
- The Course of English Poetry - 4
- The Course of English Poetry - 5
- The Movement of Modern Literature - 1
- The Movement of Modern Literature - 2
- The Poets of the Dawn - 1
- The Poets of the Dawn - 2
- The Poets of the Dawn - 3
- The Victorian Poets
- Recent English Poetry - 1
- Recent English Poetry - 2
- Recent English Poetry - 3
- Recent English Poetry - 4
- New Birth or Decadence?
- The Ideal Spirit of Poetry
- The Sun of Poetic Truth
- The Breath of Greater Life
- The Soul of Poetic Delight and Beauty
- The Power of the Spirit
- The Form and the Spirit
- The Word and the Spirit
- Conclusion
- On Quantitative Metre
- Poems in Quantitative Metres
Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry
ISBN 978-81-7058-581-1
Soft cover, 416 pages