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Магазин Книги Шри Ауробиндо, Матери, Сатпрема.
The Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo)
The Integral Yoga.
Sri Aurobindo's Teaching and Method of Practise.
Selected letters of Sri Aurobindo.
This compilation consists of letters by Sri Aurobindo on various aspects of his spiritual teaching and method of yogic practice.
Parts 1to 4 deal mainly with the philosophical and psychological foundations of the teaching.
Parts 5 to 11 with the method of practice.
And part 12 with elements of both.
- The Integral yoga and the ordinary life
- The Integral yoga and other systems of yoga and philosophy.
- Planes pf consciousness and parts of the being.
- The Divine, the Gods and the Divine Force
- Bases of Yoga
- Sadhana through Work, Meditation and Love and Devotion.
- Experiences and Realizations
- The triple transformation: Psychic, Spiritual and Supramental.
- Transformation of the Nature
- Difficulties in transformation the nature.
- Human relationships in yoga
- Other aspects of Sri Aurobindo's teaching and method of practice.
Ashram of Sri Aurobindo, Pondicherry.